Most people are confronted with making far-reaching decisions in the course of their lives. Will I stay in the relationship? Is this all I have in me professionally or is there more to it? How can I make better contact with my family of origin? Or will I be better off if I break off contact? Should I move to another city? Abroad? Questions upon questions. After all, you only live once.
Unfortunately, we don't know which decisions will turn out to be right or wrong. It is simply impossible to foresee all the consequences. But if we want to take control of our lives, we have to make a decision at some point. Otherwise, others may do it for us.
When it comes to essential decisions in our lives, it is all too understandable that some panic creeps up on us. What if I have given up too much and regret the decision?
Only rarely, however, are decisions really "wrong". After all, if we made a decision in a certain situation in life, it felt right at that moment. Otherwise we would have decided differently.
Sometimes it is fear that gets in our way and slows us down. But often other motives have unconsciously led us to a decision. We only realise this much later.
Often, the uncertainty of making a fundamental decision is also the fear of criticism from those around us. So, the famous question: what will others think? For example, my parents? Often, long-held beliefs like "I'm not good enough" block us from making a decision. Or the fear of "failing". Then it is helpful to look inwards. Especially since we perceive most stimuli on the outside.
I can ask myself questions like: What makes me really happy? In which phase of life was I particularly satisfied or dissatisfied? What did I learn during that time and how can I draw on it now? What scares me the most? Where do I see myself in two or three years?
If you are in a similar situation and need support in making a decision, we could explore ways together in a counselling session. Do not hesitate to contact me here for an appointment.
Mobil:+49 172 5124 333
Schanzenstraße 51
40549 Düsseldorf